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2019 E-commerce in Spain: statistics and the trends for 2020 - ShippyPro

Written by ShippyPro Team | Jul 5, 2019 11:37:28 AM

E-commerce is the sale of products and services through an internet portal. This makes it more accessible because by selling through a website or different social media profiles you can reach a wider audience. 

People from other cities and even countries can buy from any online store that collaborates with a courier service. As long as it covers national and international shipments.

However, remember to offer to your customers the option to be able to track the orders to get good reviews of your business.    

Different factors have contributed to the rise of electronic commerce. Some of them are: accessibility, the ease with which you can buy a product or hire a service and the convenience of being able to carry out the transaction from any mobile device. 

Although analyzing the statistics of international trade can help you increase your sales, this time we will focus on the study of ecommerce in Spain.

Take note of the following data.  

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E-commerce in Spain

E-commerce in Spain goes all out. Buy products or hire a service online has become an indispensable part of our lives.

It has also brought us closer to stores and businesses that we would never have discovered if it were not for e-commerce. 

According to data published by El País, e-commerce in Spain grew by 27.2% in the second quarter of 2018. And this figure is expected to increase this year and next.

So if you want your e-commerce to be successful, you will have to analyze certain data. 

Let’s see what are the figures of e-commerce in Spain.

Important statistics of E-commerce

What led to the success of e-commerce? According to the IAB study (Interactive Advertising Bureau), having competitive prices, offering good customer service and selling quality products are important aspects for a successful e-commerce

But that is not all. Before creating an online store you will have to take into account other aspects.   

One of them is the portal through which you will sell your products. Social networks are an excellent tool to help you achieve your goal.

But before using them, you should consider the average age of the social network user. 

The annual study of the IAB concluded that 39% of users in Spain are between 31 and 45 years old. They also published that the most used social networks on a daily basis are Facebook and Instagram

Both platforms offer advertising services that you can use to promote your e-commerce. Take advantage of the tools they put at your disposal to reach a wider audience.   

Another fact that you must take into account is that, according to Statista, in 2017 the percentage of people who bought online in Spain was 67.4%.

As you can see, there are many users who opt for e-commerce.  

Statistics of E-commerce in Spain in 2019

We can summarize 2019 in three points:

1. During this year, e-commerce will be present on mobile devices. E-commerce statistics suggest that more and more people will buy through their mobile phones. 

So you’ll have to make sure that your online store has a mobile version. 

2. The statistics of e-commerce in Spain in 2019 also point out that this year returns will have to be improved. If you want to know how you can offer better returns, do not miss this article we wrote about it. 

3. The marketplaces will benefit this year. Users prefer, for safety, to make their purchases through a marketplace. Unlike in previous years, merchants are inclined to advertise their products in the best marketplaces. 

However, to benefit from this trend, you will have to choose the marketplace that best suits your needs. Not all platforms offer the same.

Read this article to discover the best marketplaces in Spain.  

E-commerce trends for 2020

In order for your online business to be successful in 2020, you will need to prepare in advance. The best way to do this is to implement e-commerce trends for the next year. Take note:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is already part of our lives and for the next year, a percentage of interactions will be performed with AI.
  • The marketplaces will be consolidated as the preferred point, both for sellers and consumers, for the purchase and sale of products. 
  • Voice commerce will grow in 2020. Make sure you optimize your online store so that the boom of voice shopping does not catch you unprepared. 
  • Multichannel purchases will be the order of the day. Users will make their purchases, more and more frequently, through social networks such as Instagram or Facebook. 
  • E-commerce that can offer deliveries within 24 hours or less will see an increase in their revenues.   

Digital marketing and e-commerce: promote your business

Digital marketing and e-commerce cannot be separated. To promote your business successfully you must use digital marketing tools to reach your goals.

You will have to create a strategy for your social networks if you want your business to grow. 

In addition, you will also have to use the data we have mentioned about e-commerce since they will help you increase your sales.

By including these figures in your advertising campaigns, they will be successful. 

Remember that if you want to use social networks to promote your e-commerce or to sell your products, try using Facebook or Instagram (or both).

As we mentioned, these two platforms are the most used every day. 

And finally, take note of the trends for 2020. They will help you stand out from the competition. Start by optimizing your online store for voice commerce.

If you start now, next year you will take advantage and you will not lose any sales.