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Sell in Spain: the Top 11 Marketplaces

Promote your products in a marketplace will help you sell more, especially if you are at the beginning. But it is important to choose the correct platform. Using one of the top marketplaces in Spain you can multiply your sales and increase your audience.

Depending on the type of product you want to sell, you will have to choose one or several sites. Discover your best options.

What is a marketplace

Before listing the best marketplaces, we will define what they are and what they are for. A marketplace is an online platform where different merchants upload their products to sell them.

It is like an online shopping center, since they join different e-commerce in one place.

Using a marketplace in Spain to sell your product can be a great help, especially if you are just starting out or your e-commerce is a few years old. A marketplace will put you in touch with potential buyers, help in managing payments and show you which products have a better response.

But which marketplaces have the most consumers in Spain? Here is a graph from Statista with statistics:

marketplaces have the most consumers in Spain

Numbers of E-commerce in Spain

The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC in Spanish) published in April that e-commerce in Spain exceeded 10 billion euros in the third quarter of 2018. It increased by almost 30% compared to the revenues generated in 2017.

Numbers of E-commerce in Spain
Numbers of E-commerce in Spain. Source: CNMC

Among the total sales, 52.7% were made to electronic stores in Spain, while the rest of the transactions were made from Spain to foreign e-commerce. The most successful branches were those related to tourism, clothing and books.

List of 2019’s Best Marketplaces to sell in Spain

As you have seen, betting on setting up an e-commerce is quite profitable and selling your product in a marketplace is a safe bet. Knowing how to choose the best marketplace will help you succeed.

That is why we have created this list with the eleven best marketplaces in Spain. Take note:  


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The e-commerce platform founded by Jeff Bezos is one of the best marketplaces worldwide. With a small monthly fee, you can sell all your products on Amazon and you can also use the tools offered by the platform to increase your business.  

How to sell on Amazon

To start selling on Amazon you will need a seller account which allows you to sell throughout Europe. You can cancel your subscription whenever you want, minimizing the financial risk. After creating an account, you can upload all your products and start selling them.

Consider that Amazon is one of the most popular marketplaces so you will need some marketing methods to make your products stand out. A good and complete description can help you achieve it.

When you make a sale, Amazon gives you the option to have it delivered by you or they can do it for you. You receive the payment for the purchase and you are ready for the next sale!  

The numbers of Amazon in Spain

Since it was established in the country at the end of 2011, Amazon has not stopped growing. In 2018, it recorded an 82 % increase compared to 2017. Its workforce does not stop increasing, indicating that the great demand from customers and merchants who use their platform continues to produce results.

Take your Ecommerce to the next Level


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This marketplace has a different philosophy. Here you can sell your products with a fixed price or you can auction it. This platform supports any type of product, from cosmetics and clothes, to cars or houses. According to the data provided by the website, a pair of shoes is sold every two seconds and a woman’s bag every six seconds.

How to sell on eBay

Selling on eBay is very simple. You can sell products as an individual user or as a company. Regardless the option you choose, you will need to upload a good photo of the product, include a detailed description and enter a price.

If you want to sell as a company, this marketplace helps you manage your inventory and orders. You can also use the tools available to increase your sales.

When making a sale, eBay will facilitate the payment process. You just have to print the label given by the platform and send the order.


The numbers of eBay in Spain

According to the figures published by the platform, 28% of the total sales made in Spain in 2016 were electronic products and 27% footwear, clothing and accessories. They also estimate 46.4 million users of the marketplace in Spain.


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This marketplace has been in Spain for less than a year but in France it has been active since 1998. On this platform merchants can sell their products or promote their services. It also has some physical stores in France where customers can find the most popular products.

How to sell on Cdiscount

If you want to sell your products on this marketplace, you will have to pay a monthly fee (in this article we explain it in more detail). You can make use of their warehouses where a team will manage your orders. You will also have to pay a commission rate that will depend on the type of product you sell.

The numbers of Cdiscount in Spain

According to the platform, Cdiscount receives 20 million visits per month and has 9 million active clients. The company grew by 15%, taking it to expand its services to Spain and other European countries.


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FNAC is one of the best marketplaces to sell books, videos, music and electronics. It has many physical stores in Spain and was one of the first marketplaces in France. As of today, it has a catalog of more than three million products. All of them go through a strict quality control before being sold.

How to sell on FNAC

You can sell your products in two ways. Either you upload the product to their marketplace or you sell it directly to FNAC in one of its physical stores. If you want to sell different products, the first option is the one that suits you.

Simply upload the product, add description and price. When a customer buys it,  FNAC will send you an email informing you of the sale. You manage the delivery and receive the money by bank transfer or gift voucher.

Visit our guide where we explain in great detail the steps to follow.

The numbers of FNAC in Spain

Selling your product on this marketplace you will be exposed to more than 50 million visits. According to FNAC, in 2015 they made more than 100,000 sales among individuals.


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Privalia is an online platform where different types of products are sold. From shoes, clothes and accessories, to cosmetics and appliances.

How to sell on Privalia

If you decide to sell your products in this marketplace you will first have to contact them through the form “Contacto para marcas” (Contacto para marcas) that you can find at the end of the page. You will have to specify the products you want to sell and your position within the company.

The numbers of Privalia in Spain

In Spain, Privalia grew by almost 19% in 2017. It currently has 10 million users from all over the world who visit the page.


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Etsy has entered the list of 2019 best marketplaces to sell in Spain because it is the preferred place for artisans to sell their creations. The most creative and unique designs can be found on Etsy.

How to sell on Etsy

This marketplace offers you three different options to sell your products:

  • Standard Plan: no monthly fee but does not offer instruments to analyze your sales. The
  • Plus Plan: a monthly fee of € 8.90 that includes tools that will help you grow your business.
  • Premium Plan: the most complete and offers you a full set of advanced tools to run your business like an expert. It will be available this year.  

The numbers of Etsy in Spain

Etsy started 2019 with an increase in its invoicing by 19%. The platform manages around 33 million sales, making it an excellent option for anyone who wants to sell handmade or vintage products.


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The French hypermarket chain also has its own marketplace. Among the advantages of using it, there is also the confidence of users towards the company.

How to sell on Carrefour

You can choose to sell your products online or sell it in their hypermarkets. To start using the marketplace, you will have to publish your product catalog on the website.

When a customer buys your product, you will receive an alert so you can manage the shipment. Twice a month, Carrefour will enter your total earnings.

The numbers of Carrefour in Spain

In May 2019, Carrefour’s website obtained almost 30,000,000 visits. The same month, it ranked eighth in the most visited marketplaces in Spain.


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This marketplace aims to simplify the purchase and sale of online products. It offers retailers the possibility to receive payments in the currency they prefer (they work with the 20 main currencies) and to sell their products in 15 languages to reach an international market.

How to sell on Fruugo

Before you can upload your products, you must register on the marketplace. You will have to fill in the contact details and the number of items you want to sell.

The numbers of Fruugo in Spain

The products are exposed to potential customers in 30 countries. According to its data, Fruugo has had, for the third year in a row an annual growth of 100 %.

El Corte Inglés

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It is one of the best marketplaces in Spain to sell all kinds of products. In 2017, it consolidated itself as the European leader in department stores.  

How to sell on El Corte Inglés

El Corte Inglés allows you to sell your products through its marketplace. For this, you will have to manage the shipment of the order and take responsibility for any return that the client wants to make.

The numbers of El Corte Inglés in Spain

In May, the website of El Corte Inglés obtained 37 million visits. Each user spent a little less than two minutes visiting the platform. Within the ranking of the best marketplaces in Spain, the page is in sixth place.

Casa del Libro

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This is a Spanish marketplace completely dedicated to the sale of books. Here you can sell second-hand books, new books and even e-books.

How to sell on Casa del Libro

To start selling on this platform you will have to create an account and decide if you want to be a private or professional seller. Upload your products so that the millions of users who visit this marketplace every day see your books.

When the customer purchases one of your products, you will receive an email to prepare the shipment. Casa del Libro will enter the money directly into your bank account.

The numbers of Casa del Libro in Spain

Only in May 2019, Casa del Libro received more than five million visits to its website. It is the number one cultural portal in Spain.


Homepage Runnics

This is a marketplace dedicated to the sale of footwear, accessories and sportswear. It offers a wide catalog of products and helps users find the ideal sneakers for them.

How to sell on Runnics

This marketplace allows you to publish your products without any cost. Once you have made a sale, they will charge the management fees. They are responsible for managing the sale while the seller for the order process. Each month you will receive the payment of your sales.  

The numbers of Runnics in Spain

In March 2019, this marketplace received 273,800 visits from customers who spent, on average, a minute visiting the page. In 2017, Runnics exceeded one million transactions.

Choose the best marketplace in Spain to sell your products

Taking into account that they are the best marketplaces in Spain, you will have to decide in which one to sell your products. In order to choose the best option, you must be clear about the audience you want to reach, the type of product you sell and the competition that you would have in each portal.

Once you have this data, you will only have to decide the marketplace in Spain on which you will sell your product. Remember that you can use several marketplaces at the same time and compare results.

Integrate your Marketplace to ShippyPro and save time on shipping

Now that you know everything about the best Marketplaces in Spain, the next important step is to think about your e–commerce shipping strategy.

ShippyPro offers a great service for online merchants looking to simplify their shipping management with an easy-to-use dashboard to ship, track and return the orders with ease.

ShippyPro has the largest library of integrations, with more than 122 carriers and 63 Marketplaces ready to be connected in one click. A complete shipping platform for e–commerce, which offers features like:

  • Label Creator, allowing you to automate the printing of shipping labels in one easy click
  • Track & Trace, for sending branded shipping notifications and keeping customers up-to-date on the status of their order
  • Easy Return, an all-in-one portal to reduce the headache of dealing with customer returns
  • Ship & Collect, which allows your customers to choose from multiple delivery options at checkout, with real-time pricing and local pickup points

If you don’t have a ShippyPro account, register now and start your free 30 orders trial, no credit card required!

ShippyPro Team

ShippyPro is the complete shipping software for online and offline retail. With Label Creator, Track & Trace, Easy Return and Analytics features, our software simplifies your shipping operations. ShippyPro integrates with over 170 carriers and 60 sales channels, making it compatible with a wide range of products and use cases.